KEMSA Warehouse

Country: Kenya

Description: The distribution warehouse is designed with latest warehousing technology with ambient temperature controls and sandwich roofing. The design emulates the headquarters  symbolic facade features of the flower petal fins at the entry collection yard. The warehouse will cater for all warehousing needs for KEMSA including sorting , packaging, cold storage, hazardous drugs handling, general storage, and distribution as an addition to the existing warehousing facility.

As a central hub, it is key to the functions of drugs distribution to the counties and is designed to cater for emergencies. The helicopter pad at the office headquarters will cater for quick collection and delivery of medicine to affected areas. The total storage capacity inclusive of warehouse offices is 20,000 square meters (215,000 square feet).


Warehouse Offices Entry 
Warehouse Distribution and Collection Yard Under Construction
Warehouse Sorting & Packaging Area
Warehouse  Main Storage Racks